Friday, July 13, 2012


My daughter photographed this giraffe in the Pilanesberg Nature Reserve. Occasionally a giraffe will pick up and chew on a piece of bone for the calcium content. This giraffe appeared to be enjoying its piece of bone, throwing its head back, almost like a puppy.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Tough Springbok

I photographed this Springbok in the Pilanesberg Nature Reserve. If you look at its back you will see that it appears irregular. Zoom in and you will see that it is an old wound that has healed. The Springbok appeared to be in a worse state than the rest of the heard, but only slightly so. Wild animals are tough. Most humans would probably have died if they suffered a similar wound, probably inflicted by a predator. Springbok reach a height of 75cm at the shoulder and a weight of 35 to 45 kg. It adapts its diet to what is available. It will graze in summer and browse in winter. It has a lifespan of around 10 years.